Trimming with TrimGalore


Jelmer Poelstra


October 13, 2023

Under construction

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Overview & setting up

In this session, we will run TrimGalore to filter our FASTQ files, removing:

  • Any adapter sequences that are present in the reads
  • Poor-quality bases at the start and end of the reads
  • Reads that have become very short after the prior two steps

For reference-based RNAseq, this step is sometimes considered optional, since current tools that align reads to the genome should generally be able to deal with poor-quality bases and adapter sequences.

Several largely equivalent tools exist for this kind of FASTQ preprocessing — Trimmomatic and fastp are two other commonly used ones. TrimGalore itself is in fact “just” a wrapper around another tool called CutAdapt, but it is much simpler to use. Two advantages of of TrimGalore are that it will auto-detect the adapters that are present in your reads (e.g., different library prep protocols use different adapters), and that it can automatically run FastQC on the processed sequences.

1 Using TrimGalore at OSC

TrimGalore isn’t installed at OSC, so we’ll use my Conda environment for TrimGalore like we did with MultiQC:

module load miniconda3
source activate /fs/ess/PAS0471/jelmer/conda/trimgalore

Let’s see if we can now run it — note that the command is trim_galore with an underscore:

trim_galore --version

                    [powered by Cutadapt]
                        version 0.6.10

                    Last update: 02 02 2023
# Make sure the load the latest miniconda version when doing installations
module load miniconda3/23.3.1-py310

# Create a new environment called 'trimgalore' and install the program into it
# (Yes, the Conda package is named 'trim-galore' with a dash!)
conda create -y -n trimgalore -c bioconda trim-galore

2 TrimGalore syntax

Let’s run TrimGalore with the --help option to get some information about how we can run it:

trim_galore --help

# Note: Below I am only showing (truncated) output for the key options!
trim_galore [options] <filename(s)>

--paired                This option performs length trimming of quality/adapter/RRBS trimmed reads for
                        paired-end files.

-o/--output_dir <DIR>   If specified all output will be written to this directory instead of the current
                        directory. If the directory doesn't exist it will be created for you.

-j/--cores INT          Number of cores to be used for trimming [default: 1].

--fastqc                Run FastQC in the default mode on the FastQ file once trimming is complete.

--fastqc_args "<ARGS>"  Passes extra arguments to FastQC.

-a/--adapter <STRING>   Adapter sequence to be trimmed. If not specified explicitly, Trim Galore will
                        try to auto-detect whether the Illumina universal, Nextera transposase or Illumina
                        small RNA adapter sequence was used.

-q/--quality <INT>      Trim low-quality ends from reads in addition to adapter removal.

--length <INT>          Discard reads that became shorter than length INT because of either
                        quality or adapter trimming. A value of '0' effectively disables
                        this behaviour. Default: 20 bp.

The line below “USAGE:” tells us that the FASTQ file names should be specified as positional arguments at the end of the command.

We will run TrimGalore for one sample at a time, but this means having to specify two FASTQ file names: one with the forward reads, and one with the reverse reads. When we have paired-end reads, much of the trimming happens separately for the R1 (forward) and R2 (reverse) files, but at the end of the run, TrimGalore will make sure that every R1 read still has its R2 counterpart, and vice versa. Any “orphaned” reads will by default be removed, because R1 and R2 files for the same samples always need to contain all the same reads. (TrimGalore does have an option to retain these orphaned reads into separate files.)

None of the options are required, as the square brackets around [options] indicate, but any option we may want to use should be placed after the trim_galore command and before the FASTQ file name(s). With paired-end reads, we’ll have to use the --paired option — otherwise, TrimGalore will only process the R1 and R2 separately and omit the final step where it removes orphaned reads.

3 Building our TrimGalore command

Given what we discussed above, a minimal functional example of a TrimGalore command would be
(with fictional FASTQ files A_R1.fastq.gz and A_R2.fastq.gz):

# (Don't run this, fictional example command)
trim_galore --paired A_R1.fastq.gz A_R2.fastq.gz

As for other TrimGalore options:

  • We will use TrimGalore with default settings for the following options (i.e., we will not use these options in our command):

    • The trimming of adapters (--adapter option, default: auto-detect the adapters used)

    • The minimum base quality threshold (--quality option, default: Phred score of 20)

    • The minimum read length threshold (--length option, default: 20 bp)

      …but it’s good to know we could easily change those if we wanted to.

  • We do want to specify the output directory, since it’s pretty inconvenient to have the output files placed in the current working dir, as is the TrimGalore default. We could for instance use --output_dir results/trimgalore.

  • We’ll typically also want to have TrimGalore run FastQC on the filtered FASTQ files, since it will be good to check if adapter sequences were successfully removed, and so on.

    When we do so, we’ll also have to tell FastQC about the output dir of its files: we can do so via --fastqc_args (and using that option will already trigger the running of FastQC, i.e., there is then no need to also use the --fastqc option).

    So, we could use --fastqc_args "--outdir results/trimgalore/fastqc".

  • Finally, we’ll usually want to specify the number of cores/threads/CPUs, and it should correspond to what we have available for our compute job. Since we have 1 core available in the VS Code session, we’ll use --cores 1 in the test-run, but something else in our final script.

A final test command to run TrimGalore on our actual (but small, subsetted) FASTQ files in data/fastq could therefore look as follows:

# For clarity, I am specifying each option on a separate line
trim_galore \
    --paired \
    --output_dir results/trimgalore \
    --cores 1 \
    --fastqc_args "--outdir results/trimgalore/fastqc" \
    data/fastq/ASPC1_A178V_R1.fastq.gz data/fastq/ASPC1_A178V_R2.fastq.gz

Let’s try that out.

4 TrimGalore output

After you ran the line above, quite a lot of logging output should have been printed to screen. If we take a look at that output:

  • The first section of interest is “AUTO-DETECTING ADAPTER TYPE”, where we can see that TrimGalore detected the “Illumina adapter” and will use that for trimming.

  • After that, the section “SUMMARISING RUN PARAMETERS” tells us what the final parameters (settings) are for running Cutadapt, which will do the actual trimming. We can for example see which base quality and read length parameters are being used (the defaults, in this case).

  • Then, …

The log for each FASTQ file is also saved to the output dir in files named XXX. Curiously, though, logging output that is not R1/R2-specific, like that reporting on the final removal of orphaned reads, is not. As such, when we will run TrimGalore by submitting batch jobs in a minute, and the logging output that was now printed to screen will go to a Slurm log file, it is a good idea to keep these Slurm files.

Let’s take a look at what files have been added to our output dir:

ls -lh results/trimgalore

5 A script to run TrimGalore

To run TrimGalore efficiently at OSC, we will submit a separate compute job for each sample, and submit these all at the same time using a for loop in which we pass arguments to the script.

This is quite similar to how we ran FastQC. However, one added complication is that we now have to work with two FASTQ files (an R1 and R2 file for the same sample) at the same time.

5.1 Dealing with two FASTQ files per run

There are several different ways of dealing with having to run TrimGalore not for one but for two files at the same time, but we’ll do it as follows: we’ll only pass an R1 FASTQ filename to the script, and the script will then infer the name of the R2 file (by replacing _R1 with _R2). This is generally the easiest method, because it allows us to simply loop over the R1 FASTQ files in our “runner script”.

That is, in our script, the code to submit the TrimGalore scripts would look as follows:

# We're only looping over the R1 files: we include the R2 files _inside_ the script
for R1 in data/fastq/*_R1.fastq.gz; do
    sbatch scripts/ $R1 results/trimgalore

Here is how we can include the R2 files inside the script:

# Arguments passed to the script include the R1 filename,
R1=$1                # "$1" will for example be data/fastq/ASPC1_A178V_R1.fastq.gz
# ....

# Infer the name of the corresponding R2 file:
R2=${R1/_R1/_R2}     # "$2" will then be data/fastq/ASPC1_A178V_R2.fastq.gz

The funny-looking ${R1/_R1/_R2} bit does a search-and-replace in the value of the $R1 variable (this is called “parameter expansion”), and assigns the output to a new variable $R2:

  • Take the $R1 variable, using the long notation ${R1}
  • After the first forward slash, we enter the search pattern: _R1
  • After the second forward slash, we enter the replacement: _R2.

Let’s practice with parameter expansion:


echo $filename2

5.2 Using multiple threads

When we ran FastQC, we already practiced with using multiple threads/cores/cpus (remember, these are all all equivalent for our purposes here), which always involves two steps:

  • Requesting the desired number of threads for the Slurm job, e.g. a line #SBATCH --cpus-per-node=8 at the top of your script.

  • Telling the bioinformatics tool that it can use that same number of threads, e.g. with --cores 8 in the case of TrimGalore.

So, you’re always specifying your desired number of cores in (at least) two different places. As such, there is the possibility that you’re accidentally specifying a different number in the two places, e.g. when you want to change the number but only do so in one of these two places.

Let’s introduce a trick you can use to automatically make sure that the number of threads is the same in both places, by using the Slurm “environment variable” $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE. When you run a Slurm job and you’ve requested a number of threads with --cpus-per-node, then this variable will always be set automatically. (In fact, there are many Slurm variables, see this section in the Slurm documentation for more information.)

Here’s how we can use this environment variable in practice:

#SBATCH --cpus-per-node=8

# [...]
trim_galore \
    --cores "$SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE" \

# [...]

5.3 Our final TrimGalore command

Like we’ve done in our FastQC and MultiQC scripts, we’ll also include an argument with the output directory name, as it is good practice not to hardcode this in your script.

With that, our final TrimGalore will be:

trim_galore \
    --paired \
    --output_dir "$outdir" \
    --cores "$SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE" \
    --fastqc_args "--outdir "$outdir"/fastqc" \
    "$R1" "$R2"    

5.4 Renaming the output files

One annoying aspect of TrimGalore is that it will give the output FASTQ files suffixes — here are the output files of our earlier test run:


First, the extension is .fq instead of .fastq, and second, there are _val_1 / _val_2 additions to the filename. With filenames like that, we would need to modify our globbing patterns (e.g. *_R1.fastq.gz) in the next step in our workflow. This is of course possible and not even hard, per se, but it is inconvenient — and in practice, these kind of inconsistencies easily end up leading to confusion and errors.

Therefore, I usually choose to rename TrimGalore’s output files inside the script, and give the output files the exact same name as the input files. We can do so as follows:

file_id=$(basename "$R1" _R1.fastq.gz)


mv -v "$R1_out" "$outdir"/"$file_id"_R1.fastq.gz
mv -v "$R2_out" "$outdir"/"$file_id"_R2.fastq.gz
Command substitution

The first line in the code block above used a construct called “command substitution”, which allows you to save the output of a command in a variable. To understand this better, please refer to this at-home reading section in module A07.

One thing that we do need to be wary of, however, when we give the output FASTQ files the same name as the input files, is that we don’t overwrite the output files. In general with these kind of scripts, you don’t want the output dir to be the same as the input dir, and as long as that is the case, the input files won’t be overwritten. But here, we should really make absolutely sure that the input dir isn’t the same as the output dir inside the script, and we can do so as follows:

# Check that the output dir isn't the same as the input dir
# This is because we will let the output files have the same name as the input files
if [[ $(dirname "$R1") == "$outdir" ]]; then
    echo "# ERROR: Input dir is the same as the output dir ($outdir)" 
    exit 1

There are several new things here:

  • If statement
  • dirname command
  • exit 1

6 The final script to run TrimGalore

#SBATCH --account=PAS0471
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --mem=32G
#SBATCH --job-name=trimgalore
#SBATCH --output=slurm-trimgalore-%j.out

# Copy the placeholder variables

# Load the Conda environment
module load miniconda3
source activate /fs/ess/PAS0471/jelmer/conda/trimgalore

# Use strict Bash settings
set -euo pipefail

# Infer derived variables

# Report
echo "# Starting script"
echo "# Input R1 FASTQ file:      $R1"
echo "# Output dir:               $outdir"

# Check that the output dir isn't the same as the input dir
# This is because we will let the output files have the same name as the input files
if [[ $(dirname "$R1") == "$outdir" ]]; then
    echo "# ERROR: Input dir is the same as the output dir ($outdir)" 
    exit 1

# Create the output dir
mkdir -p "$outdir" "$outdir"/fastqc

# Run TrimGalore
trim_galore \
    --paired \
    --output_dir "$outdir" \
    --cores "$SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE" \
    --fastqc_args "--outdir $outdir/fastqc" \
    "$R1" "$R2"

# Rename output files
echo -e "\n# Renaming the output files:"
file_id=$(basename "$R1" _R1.fastq.gz)
mv -v "$R1_out" "$outdir"/"$file_id"_R1.fastq.gz
mv -v "$R2_out" "$outdir"/"$file_id"_R2.fastq.gz

# Report
echo -e "\n# Done with script"
echo -e "\n# Listing files in the output dir:"
ls -lh "$outdir"
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