RNA-Seq data analysis

Using the Unix shell and R


Block A: Computing skills and genomics data files

Date Topic & link
2023-07-14 Introduction
2023-07-21 The Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC)
2023-07-28 VS Code & Unix shell (part I)
2023-08-04 Unix shell (part II)
2023-08-11 FASTQ files
2023-08-18 Reference genome files (FASTA and GTF)
2023-08-25 Overview of next steps, variables, and loops
2023-09-01 Shell scripting
2023-09-08 Software at OSC
2023-09-15 Slurm batch jobs

Block B: From reads to counts

Date Topic & link
2023-09-22 Read quality control with FastQC
2023-10-13 Quality and adapter trimming with TrimGalore

Block C: Count table analysis

Date Topic & link
2024-04-09 Gene count table analysis part I
2024-04-23 Gene count table analysis part II

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