Graded Assignment II: Shell scripts at OSC


If you did last week’s exercises, much of the following introduction will be familiar to you, as we will be working with the same FASTQ files and looking at the same primers. This time around, you will actually remove the primer sequences using the software Cutadapt.

This assignment will work with 6 FASTQ files with sequences from the V4 region of 16S rRNA, generated in a metabarcoding experiment.

The FASTQ files come in pairs: for every sample, there is a FASTQ file with forward reads (or “read 1” reads) that contains _R1_ in its file name, and a FASTQ file with corresponding reverse reads (or “read 2” reads) that contains _R2_ in its file name. So, our 6 FASTQ files consist of 3 pairs of R1-R2 files for 3 biological samples.

The sequences were generated by first amplifying environmental samples with a pair of universal 16S primers, and these primer sequences are expected to be present in the FASTQ sequences. You will remove these primer sequences with the program Cutadapt, and there are two things to be aware of:

These are the primer sequences1:

General instructions

Grading information

Setting up

  1. Create a new directory for this assignment, and inside it, initialize a Git repository. Add a very brief describing that this is a repository for such-and-such assignment. (You can also use this README to further document your workflow, but you don’t have to.) [0.5]

  2. Copy the FASTQ files from /fs/ess/PAS1855/data/week05/fastq into a directory data/fastq/ inside your assignment’s directory. [0.5]

  3. Create a .gitignore file and add a line to make Git ignore all .fastq files. [0.5]

  4. Load the Conda module at OSC and create a Conda environment for Cutadapt following these instructions (i.e. just the section “Installation with Conda”). [1]


To be able to install Cutadapt with the command provided in that link, you first need to do the following general Conda setup steps, which we will (have) do(ne) together in class:

$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge 

(Adding the above lines in that order will result in the different channels having the proper priority, with conda-forge having the highest priority.)

If you run into installation problems that you can’t seem to solve, you can can also use my Conda environment in Step 7, below, as follows

$ source activate users/PAS0471/jelmer/.conda/envs/cutadaptenv

But do this only if needed, and if you do, include a description of your errors in your README file.

  1. Export the environment description for your Cutadapt environment to a YAML (.yml) file. [0.5]

Cutadapt script for one sample

Now, you will write a script called that runs Cutadapt for one pair of FASTQ files: a file with forward (R1) reads and a file with reverse (R2) reads for the same sample.

The following instructions all refer to what you should write inside the script:

  1. Start with the shebang line followed by SLURM directives. Specify at least the following SLURM directives [0.5]

    • The class’s OSC project number, PAS1855.
    • A 20-minute wall-time limit.
    • Explicitly ask for one node, one process (task), and one core (these are three separate directives).
  2. Next, include the familiar set settings for robust bash scripts, load OSC’s Conda module and then activate your own Cutadapt Conda environment. [0.5]


Use source activate and not conda activate to activate the Conda environment, otherwise Conda will complain about your shell not being properly set up.

  1. Let the script take 4 arguments that can be passed to it on the command-line: [1]

    • The path to a FASTQ file with forward reads (whose value, when passed to the script from the shell will e.g. be data/fastq/201-S4-V4-V5_S53_L001_R1_001.fastq).
    • The name of the output directory for trimmed FASTQ files (whose value, when passed to the script from the shell will be whatever you pick, e.g. results/trim).
    • The sequence of the forward primer (whose value when passed to the script from the shell, will be GAGTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA in this case).
    • The sequence of the reverse primer (whose value when passed to the script from the shell, will be TTACCGCGGCKGCTGRCACTC in this case).

    Give each of these variables a descriptive name rather than directly using the placeholder variables ($1, etc) – that will make your life easier when writing the rest of the script.

  2. Compute the reverse complement for each primer. The hint below in fact has the answer, but please take a moment to think how you might do this with tr and a new command called rev that simply reverses a string.


Adjust your variable names as necessary!

primer_f_rc=$(echo "$primer_f" | tr ATCGYRKMBVDH TAGCRYMKVBHD | rev)
primer_r_rc=$(echo "$primer_r" | tr ATCGYRKMBVDH TAGCRYMKVBHD | rev)

Note that we needed to not only translate ACTG but also all IUPAC ambiguity codes.

  1. From the file name of the input FASTQ file with forward reads (which is one of the arguments to the script), infer the name of the corresponding FASTQ file with reverse reads, which will have an identical name except that _R1_ is replaced by _R2_. [0.5]

  2. Assign output file paths (output dir + file name) for the R1 and R2 output file, inserting _trimmed before the .fastq file extension (that is, the output file paths should be along the lines of <output-dir>/<old-file-basename>_trimmed.fastq). [1]


You’ll do yourself a favor by having the script echo the file names that you have assigned, so you can easily check if you’re doing this right.

Moreover, I recommend that you test interactively whether you’re getting all the file names right: assign one of the paths to the actual FASTQ files to the variable name you’re using for that, and ditto with an output dir. Just take care that these assignments don’t end up in your (final) script.

  1. Create the output directory if it doesn’t already exist. [0.5]

  2. The actual call to the Cutadapt program should be as follows – just change any variable names as needed:

    $ cutadapt -a "$primer_f"..."$primer_r_revcomp" \
        -A "$primer_r"..."$primer_f_revcomp" \
        --discard-untrimmed --pair-filter=any \
        -o "$R1_out" -p "$R2_out" "$R1_in" "$R2_in"

Optional (ungraded): Touch up the scripts with additional echo statements, date commands, and tests such as whether 4 arguments were provided.

Running the script and finishing up

  1. Submit the script as a SLURM job for one pair of FASTQ files – don’t forget to provide it with the appropriate arguments. Check the SLURM log file and the output files. If it didn’t work, troubleshoot until you get it working. [2]

  2. Do any necessary cleaning up of files, e.g. move your SLURM log file to an appropriate place, and make sure everything is committed to the Git repository. (I’ll need to see the SLURM log file in your repository to see if the script worked.) [0.5]

  3. Create a GitHub repository and push your local Git repository to GitHub. Like last time, start an issue and in the issue, tag @jelmerp. [0.5]

Optional (ungraded) - Loop over all samples

Creating a script like we did above is worth the trouble mostly if we plan to run it for multiple/many samples. Now, you will create a second script that loops over all FASTQ files in a specified directory. It doesn’t need to be a “proper” script with a robust header and so on, and shouldn’t contain any SLURM directives: this script merely functions to submit SLURM jobs and can be run interactively.

  1. Loop over a globbing pattern that accepts all .fastq files with R1 in the name in the input directory (recall: we don’t want to loop over the R2 files explicitly, because they will be automatically included in our previous script).
  2. Inside the loop, the script should be submitted as a SLURM job, similar to your single submission of the script above.
  3. Run the loop.
  4. Check the SLURM log files and the output directory. If it didn’t work, remove all these files, troubleshoot, and try again until it is working.

  1. Initially, there was an error in the primer sequences provided in last week’s exercises, which has been corrected on Friday, Feb 12.↩︎


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