
Topic overview

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Markdown syntax

The “extended syntax” options below are not supported by all interpreters, but they are by most, such as GitHub-flavored Markdown.

Syntax Result
*italic* italic (alternative: single underscore _)
**bold** bold (alternative: double underscore __)
<> Clickable link:
[link text]( Link with custom text: link text
![](path/to/figure.png) Figure
# My Title Header level 1 (largest)
## My Section Header level 2
### My Subsection Header level 3 – and so forth
- List item
- Another item
- Third item
Bulleted (unordered) list
1. List item
1. Another item
1. Third item
Numbered (ordered) list
(numbering will be automatic)
`inline code` inline code formatting
``` or 4 leading spaces Start/end of generic code block (``` is extended syntax)
```bash Start of bash-formatted code block (end with ```)
--- Horizontal rule (line)
> Text Blockquote (think quoted text in email)
blank line New paragraph (white space between lines)
two spaces at end of line Force a line break.
~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough (extended syntax)
Footnote ref[^1] Footnote ref1 (extended syntax)
[^1]: Text The actual footnote (extended syntax)



Note that the vertical bars | don’t have to be aligned.

| blabla | blabla |
| blabla | blabla |
| blabla | blabla |

blabla blabla
blabla blabla
blabla blabla


Most Markdown interpreters accept HTML syntax. Some simple examples:

Syntax Result
superscript<sup>2</sup> superscript2
superscript<sub>2</sub> subscript2
<br> linebreak / empty line
<!-- text --> comment


pandoc > README.html
pandoc -o README.pdf


Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".