Week 1 – Optional assignment: Local software installation


In case you want to be able to work locally on your computer (in addition to working at OSC, as we will in class), install the following free software packages.

For all operating systems:

For all Windows versions:

For Windows 10 only:

For Mac only:

(Because Mac and Linux users have a built-in Unix shell, and git for Windows ships with one, no-one should need to install a shell separately.)


Since all the software needed for this course is available at the Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC), you are not required to install anything for this course. However, you may still want to install software locally so you are not completely dependent on OSC and don’t have to work inside a browser.

If you run into problems while installing software, please contact the instructors, but be aware that troubleshooting installation in Windows may be challenging for us.


VS Code

Follow these instructions: Windows / Mac / Linux.

Python 3.7

Follow the instructions at http://computingskillsforbiologists.com/setup/basic-programming/.

For Windows users only:

Git for Windows

If you have Windows 10, I recommend installing WSL and then installing Git inside your Linux distribution in WSL (for instructions see the WSL section below), so you can skip the installation of Git for Windows. However, you may also want to version control directories outside of your WSL partition, in which case you should also install Git for Windows.

Download Git for Windows from here and install it using all the default settings for the installation, except:

For Windows 10 users only:


Follow these installation instructions Additional notes:

For Mac users only:

Xcode command-line tools (includes Git)

Open a terminal and enter: xcode-select --install.

Homebrew package manager

Follow the instructions at https://brew.sh/.


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