class:inverse middle center ## *Week 1* ---- # Course Intro & Overview <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> ### Jelmer Poelstra ### 2021/01/12 --- ## Today's objectives <br> .large[ - Get to know each other <br> - Get an overview of what we will cover in this course <br> - Get an overview of the course infrastructure ] -- .large[ <br> - *May start with the Unix shell if time allows* ] --- class:inverse middle center # Overview ---- .pull-left[ ### [Zoom practicalities](#zoom) ### [Introductions](#pers-intro) ### [Course overview](#overview) ### [Course topics](#topics) ] .pull-right[ ### [Course infrastructure](#infrastructure) ### [Homework](#homework) ### [This week](#this-week) ] --- name: zoom ## Zoom practicalities - Be muted by default, but feel free to unmute yourself to ask questions. - Questions can also be asked in chat. - *[Show other Zoom icons.]* -- <br> - Having your camera turned on as much as possible is appreciated! -- <br> - "Screen real estate" — large/multiple monitors or multiple devices best. - Be ready to share your screen. --- class: inverse middle center name: pers-intro # Introductions ---- <br> <br> <br> <br> --- ## Introductions: Jelmer .pull-left[ - Bioinformatician at MCIC in Wooster since June 2020 - Background in evolutionary genomics: - *PhD*: speciation genomics in crows, Uppsala, Sweden. - *Postdocs*: UNC Chapel Hill (cichlids) and Duke (mouse lemurs). - In my free time, I watch birds. ] .pull-right[ <p align = "center"> <img src=img/jelmer.jpg width="130%"> </p> ] --- ## Introductions: Zach (TA) .pull-left[ - Born and raised in pacific northwest rainforests. - Earned a *BS* studying biology and fungal antimicrobials at Oregon State University. - *PhD*: exploring how horizontal gene flow affects genome organization and charting the evolution and products of psilocybin genes and gene homologs. - *At home*: gardening, developing software, cooking, and playing instruments. ] .pull-right[ <p align = "center"> <img src=img/zach_inthefield.png width="100%"> </p> ] --- ## Introductions: You! - Name - Lab and Department - Research interests and/or current topics - Something about you that is not work-related --- class: inverse middle center name: overview # Course overview ---- <br><br><br> --- class: middle center ## The core goal of this course: <br> # Learning skills to do your research <br> more reproducibly and efficiently <br> <br> <br> <br> --- ## Course background: Reproducibility <br> - Two related ideas: 1. Getting same results with an independent experiment (*replicable*) 2. Getting same results given the same data (*reproducible*) Our focus is on #2. --- ## Course background: Reproducibility (cont.) <br> .large[ > *"The most basic principle for reproducible research is: <br>Do everything via code."* ] -- <br> - Also important: - Project organization and documentation (*week 2*) - *Sharing* data and code (*Github for code, week 3*) - *How* you code (*especially week 10 - Python, and 13 - Snakemake*) -- <br> - Another motivator: working reproducibly will benefit future you! > *"Your closest collaborator is you six months ago, but you don’t reply to > emails.”* --- ## Course background: Efficiency and automation <br> - Using code enables you to work efficiently and largely automatically — particularly useful when having to: - Do repetitive tasks - Recreate a figure or redo an analysis after adding a sample - Redo everything after uncovering a mistake in the first data processing step. --- class: inverse middle center name: topics # Course topics ---- <br> .left[ ### I: [The Unix shell & shell scripts](#shell) ### II: [Project organization and Markdown](#proj-org) ### III: [Version control](#git) ### IV: [Python](#python) ### V: [Automated workflow management](#snakemake) ] --- name: shell ## Course topics I: <br> The Unix shell & shell scripts (Wk 1 & 4-6) *Being able to work in the shell is a fundamental skill in computational biology.* <br> - Week 1, (2,) 4, and 5: Working in the Unix shell. - Week 6: Shell *scripting*. - Week 7: Submitting shell scripts at OSC using *SLURM* directives. --- name: proj-org ## Course topics II: <br> Project organization and Markdown (Wk 2) *Good project organization and documentation is a necessary starting point for reproducible research.* <br> - Best practices for project organization, file naming, etc., and how to use the Unix shell for this. - To document and report what we are doing: *Markdown*. --- name: git ## Course topics III: <br>Version control with Git and Github (Wk 3) <br> *Using version control, you can more effectively keep track of project progress, collaborate, experiment, revisit earlier versions, and undo.* <br> - *Git* is the version control software we will use, and *Github* is the website that hosts Git projects. --- name: python ## Course topics IV: <br> Python (Wk 8-12) <br> *For data processing beyond what is best done in the shell, we need to use a scripting language.* <br> - We'll use *Python*, which is very versatile and has a clear, human-readable syntax, making it relatively easy to learn. - We'll also emphasize general programming concepts and best practices while working with Python. --- name: snakemake ## Course topics V: <br> Automated workflow management (Wk 13) <br> *To be able to run an entire analysis pipeline with a single command, and easily change and rerun parts of it, we need a workflow manager.* <br> - We'll use *Snakemake*, which uses Python syntax. With limited extra effort, this allows us to make big gains! --- ## Course topics & general expectations <br> - We will cover a pretty broad array of topics, so you should see this as an *Introduction* to most of these topics. <br> - To get the most out of this course... - Read the readings and do the exercises. - Keep practicing and applying after the course! --- class: inverse middle center name: infrastructure # Course infrastructure ---- <br> .pull-left[ ### [CarmenCanvas website](#canvas) ### [Github website](#git-site) ### [MS Teams](#teams) ] .pull-right[ ### [OSC](#osc) ### [Github](#github) ] --- name: canvas ## Course Infrastructure: CarmenCanvas website .center[ ### ] <br> - **Announcements**: Primary mode of communication (notifications!) - **Assignments**: Everything you should do has been made a type of "assignment" on CarmenCanvas. - **Calendar**: Overview of all to-do's + sign up for office hours (**_show?_**). --- name: git-site ## Course infrastructure: Github website .center[ ### ] <br> - Slide decks - Most of the *exercises* and *assignments* (but always linked from the CarmenCanvas site). --- name: teams ## Course infrastructure: MS Teams <br> **_Optional_**, for any course-related: - Q&A - Chat, sharing of tips & tricks and resources, etc. --- name: osc ## Course infrastructure: <br>Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC) <br> - **All of our work can be done at OSC, in a browser (!)** - Including *VS Code* (our text editor) and *Jupyter Notebooks* (Python) - Avoids local installs, different behavior for different OS's, etc. <br> -- .content-box-diy[ For *local installation*, see the optional assignment for this week. ] --- name: github ## Course infrastructure: Github <br> - You'll be submitting your **assignments** through Github. - This will double as practice with version control and sharing of scripts. --- class: inverse center middle name: homework # Homework ---- <br> .left[ ### [Graded assignments](#graded) ### [Final project](#project) ### [Ungraded "assignments"](#ungraded) ] --- name: graded ## Homework: Graded assignments and final project **Graded assignments** – three total for 10 points each, due on Tuesdays: - I: Due in Week 4 (*Git and Markdown*) - II: Due in Week 7 (*Shell scripting*) - III: Due in Week 9/10 (*Python*) -- <br> **Final project** – Plan and implement a small computational project: - I: *Proposal* (due week 11, 10 points) - II: *Draft* (due week 13, 10 points) - III: Lightning *presentations* on Zoom (week 15, 10 points) - IV: *Final submission* (due April 23, 20 points) -- .content-box-info[ The final 20% of grade comes from in-class questions. ] --- name: ungraded ## Homework: Ungraded "assignments" <br> - **Readings**, **Surveys**, **Setup** (installation etc.) - **Exercises** - Set of exercises for most weeks. - You don't need to hand them in, but we may talk about them in class on Tuesday's. -- .content-box-diy[ Zach is available for an *optional* group session to go through each week's exercises or assignment: If you're interested Fill out [this Doodle poll]( to set a time. ] --- class: inverse middle center name: this-week # This week ---- <br><br><br> # Thoughts on CSB Chapter 0? --- ## Rest of the week <br> - **Thursday's Zoom**: code-along of CSB Chapter 1 <br> - **Homework**: - Readings: CSB Chapter 1 - [Exercises: CSB Chapter 1]( - [Optional: Local software installation]( --- class: inverse middle center # Questions? ---- <br> <br> <br> <br>